4 Best Ways To Drive Traffic on Your New Blog for Beginners

Do you know? More than 80% of blogs get closed within the first year of their establishment. This is because they do not receive enough traffic on their newly started blog. If you are facing the same problem then this article will help. Here, in this article we have shared the best 4 ways to drive organic traffic to your new blog.

Search Engine is the only way to drive organic traffic in the long term. There is no doubt in this statement. If you want to create a successful blog then SEO is the only way to it. But for a beginner, SEO is time consuming and tedious process. In this competitive industry, it is not possible for them to make a long-term investment. To survive, they need a short-term way to drive traffic to their site.

These short terms traffic will help them to keep the blog alive. Hence, below we are sharing four best way to attract short-term organic traffic on your blog.

Invest in Social Media

This is the easiest method to drive short-term and immediately traffic to your site. No Social Media strategy is required to drive short-term traffic to your site. Like your personal account, you just need to share your content on various social media networks. That's it. Rest your social media will take care of it.

Here, I will also suggest using Quora for promoting your website or blog. Quora is the best place to drive traffic. Check out below image. The new blog is getting more than 10% of traffic from Quora.

Next, if your blogging niche is fashion then you must share your content on Instagram and Pinterest. Hence, you should select social media based on your blogging niche, or else, use auto post feature of IFTTT to post your blog post automatically online.

Subscribe to Specific Niche Community

Never start your blogging site at the broad level. Start it with a specific niche and slowly move on to board level. 

For example, if you want to start a blog on Technology Niche then do not start it directly. Instead first start writing on a particular topic like Wordpress and then slowly start writing on other topics.

Confused? How this will help you to drive more traffic to your blog? Let me explain you.

Continuing the same example, suppose you write a few blogs on Wordpress. Next, subscribe to some good Wordpress community and share your content there. Since your blog is related to a specific niche called Wordpress, every Wordpress lover will subscribe to it.

Let us understand this with one more example. During my college times, I have subscribed to more than 100 Facebook group pertaining to MBA degree. Why? Because I was doing MBA and those communities were on MBA only.

Hence, specific niche website always attracts more unique and loyal customers. Next, once you start getting some good traffic, start writing on other remaining topic and expand your base.

Word of Mouth Promotion

This is the oldest and still prevailing method to get short-term traffic on your new blog. Use word of mouth to promote your new blog among your friends and relatives and ask them to visit your blog.

You can even ask your some experts to visit your website and share their opinion on your blog. In this way, you will get dual benefits. You will start getting traffic and even get a full report on your site by the expert.

Take Opposition Stand On Any Controversial Topic

This is the riskiest but the best method to drive lots of traffic to your blog. Every day, lots of things happen around you. Next, to drive everyone attention, take an opposite side on the controversial or hot topic. 

For Example, If during India-Pakistan cricket match, if everyone is taking side of Indian Cricket Team then in this case, you should take opposite stand. When 99 percent of people will go one side and you go on another side then will of course try to explore more about you. Hence, they will visit your blog to know more about you.

But here it is very important to note that, taking opposite side on any controversial topic is risky as well require lots of confidence and courage. In this method there are high chances of you being trolled on Internet.

So use this method at your risk and never take opposite stand on religion and feminism related controversial topic.

Over to You

What do you think about these techniques? I know these techniques are not full proof for the long terms but for a beginner to keep the blog alive, these techniques are enough.

If you think we missed out anything or wrongly mentioned anything in this article then please feel free to share your opinion with us. Next, feel free to contact us if you want any help with driving traffic on your new blog. We will be happier to help you.

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