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5 Ideas to Improve your Landscape with Commercial Outdoor Lighting

Do you have a start-up of your own? If yes then you must be aware of the importance of a brand value and how it affects the image of your business in the market. There are multiple ways to work on your brand image but never forget that what you portray to the world is the actual brand value of your start-up. Confused?

It all starts from basic courtesy provided to your clients which includes serving water or a coffee when they come to your office or offering them a good magazine to read during waiting time. Among all these hospitality services, comes the décor of your commercial office. You just cannot ignore the furnishing, decoration, or even the lighting of the outdoor areas of the office.

So, if you feel that your commercial landscape gives a dim and deary look especially after the sun has set and it is the time to showcase your office’s beauty in the darkness then you need to fix your commercial outdoor lighting. The right lighting can offer a multitude of benefits, that is, enhancing your workplace, boosting brand image, and also aiding visitors in navigating through in the dark.

According to research, only 3.6% of individuals used outdoor lighting to actually attract customers whereas 40.0% used it for security and 27.1% for safety.

Here we present you with a few highly impactful ways to enhance your commercial landscape’s outdoor lighting.

1. Walking Paths to be Illuminated

As the sun sets and it gets dark, that is, obstructing the visitor’s vision in your commercial campus since they are not used to visiting it every day, it becomes your responsibility to aid them with proper lighting so that they can clearly see and walk on those sidewalks, gravel paths and steps.

An illuminated path is not just important for your visitor’s safety but also for your property’s security. The more the walking paths are illuminated, the better are your chances to avoid criminal activity after business hours and more.

Line walking trails with pathway lights or eco-friendly or solar-powered lights are really impactful to light up these walking paths.

2. Entrances and Exits to be well Illuminated

It is very crucial for you to give proper focus to your entrances and exits by illuminating them as brightly as possible. Remember, your clients or visitors need to know where to get into your business and where to step out to get back to their car, once their work is over.

Entrances should be well lit in order to ensure that the faces entering your campus are clearly captured by the security cameras and to avoid unauthorized access inside locked rooms.

Light posts on either side of the entrance/exit doors or strong overhead floodlighting to highlight your entrances and exits can be established.

3. High Powered and Minimalistic Lighting to be Used

Minimalistic lighting is the trend of the year with more and more people attracted to less cluttered exterior spaces and fewer but stronger lights. Pick lights that don’t make your compact spaces look smaller instead further widen them.

LEDs use at least 75% less energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent lighting and hence, this makes it a better lighting option.

4. Motion-Activated Outdoor Lighting to Save Energy

Motion-Activated Lightings have a number of benefits in themselves. These are great energy savers and help you to reduce electrical costs while still aiding your visitors to clearly see around the campus while walking.

Motion lights with already lit features is a better option as it does not surprise or shock visitors when activated. For such lighting, you can consult a landscape professional and get motion-activated lights incorporated.

5. Light Up the Foliage and Signage

A lot of money is invested into creating an attractive campus design for visitors then why not show off your flora, vegetation, and trees with some soft and sophisticated lighting?

These gentle and impactful spots can easily increase the appeal of your campus from afar and thus, needs to be illuminated to give a fine landscaping look.

Small lights amongst your garden beds, greenery, and along the interior of your planter areas will add value to your campus.

So, these were a few impactful ideas by which you can light up the outdoor areas of your commercial landscape. Make sure you remember them the next time you renovate or redesign your campus. 

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