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5 Interesting Ways To Make Your Surveys Fun

Surveys are a great way to get customer input on a product or service. Companies have already caught on that they’re going to need all the approval and support that they can get by listening to their audience, readers, consumers, etc. With customer input, it gives companies the tools to come up with new ideas, improve things that might not have seen the light of day unless someone had pointed it out, and reach out to customers in a positive and personal way. 

However, the customer has to want to answer questions. Therefore, sending boring surveys can defeat the purpose of doing surveys.

To ensure that you’ll get timely feedback, and be on par with your customers, here are five ways to encourage them to respond, and to get the best results possible. 

1. Add Humor Into The Mix

“Most surveys tend to be too serious,” says William Prunty, a CX blogger at State Of Writing, “so serious that it scares people away from taking the survey. Why would someone take a survey, if it sounds mediocre and dull? However, if you had a few humorous or interesting questions into the mix of standardized questions, so that the standardized questions don’t cheapen the survey, or negatively impact the results.”

As you create your fun questions, keep the following objectives in mind:

  • Use a 4-1 ratio. In other words, do four serious survey questions for every one humorous one.
  • Make sure your fun questions are related to or inspired by your actual questions.
  • Your fun questions must be appropriate and upbeat, not offensive or mediocre.

2. Give Prizes

How do you keep customers’ interest going until they reach the “submit” button? Here’s an idea! Give them something for their time. 

Offering a prize to customers who complete your survey is an easy and effective way to get them to do so. A small offering like a discount or an entry into a raffle can get even the most curious customer to complete the survey. Although it doesn't have to be something that’s extravagant, whatever prize you put out there shows your audience that you care, and are able to stir the excitement into the right direction.

3. Create Quizzes

Gathering information has never been easier with quizzes. Quizzes can be fun and exciting, just as long as the wording, tone, and format are accounted for, and you put yourself in your viewer’s shoes. Ask yourself “What do people like to learn about themselves?” and then go from there.

4. Create An Authentic Email

“When you send emails, make sure that the wording, tone, and format are appropriate for the survey that you want recipients to take,” says Eloise Lane, a marketing expert. “Plus, the email has to be short, sweet, and clear, along with an entertaining and informative vibe. But whatever you do: Don’t make your email seem like a robot wrote it, or else the recipient will delete it without reading further.” 

5. Ask With Sincerity

Sincerity is key to building a respectful, loyal relationship with your customers. If you show them that you care, and that you respect their opinions (no matter what they are), then they’ll be more than happy to fill out your survey. Even letting them know how much it will help you out if they fill out the survey can help boost their confidence in you. 

Here are some good example "asks" that you can use to make the draw:

  • "I was wondering if you would take five minutes to fill out this survey, to help you have the best products for next year. Your opinion is most appreciated!”
  • "I was hoping you could fill out this three-minute questionnaire on how we can deliver the best customer service experience."

Using the word "I" makes the ask personal, because that means that you’re upfront with the customer, and you’re including them in the process of making your brand better and to their liking. 


Making your survey unique and authentic can go a long way in improving customer response rates. When recipients see that you’ve put good effort into your surveys, they’ll be more likely to respond in a timely manner, and leave the best answers possible. As you make your surveys more fun and engaging, customers may look forward to the next one. 

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