You're a businessman with; tons of
letters to write, multiple meetings to attend, and an endless list of emails to
go through. Your assistant is probably reminding you of the partnerships you
have to plan, and presentations to deliver. You also have to oversee some other
aspects of your business, and you have no time to spare for anything else.
Creating a website by yourself seems a complete waste of time, and thus, you
toss it off to an employed web designer or use Slides to create static websites. You
have no idea the opportunities on which you're missing out by doing that. With
the advancement of technology, building your website is a ready-to-eat piece of
cake nowadays. Here is a glimpse of the benefits you stand to gain for creating
a website BY YOURSELF.
Just like an artist, a designer has
a way of putting his/her intentions into abstract form words cannot define.
Building your website yourself creates a connection with what you have in mind,
what you want to be seen, and what is seen. A lot of times, a brand logo is
returned to the designer because it doesn't portray the message
or rather the purpose of the brand. However, if you take charge of that part, a
connection is born that gives you exactly what you've ever wanted.
Gradually, job-security is virtually
becoming extinct. The acquisition of a skill or two would skyrocket you above
the struggling mass. Online personal branding with your self-created website
will give a more personal approach to job opportunities like a side project,
collaborations. The ability to do this will boost your business, brand, or
whatever it is you are offering to the world. Sharing opinions on trending
topics related to what you have to offer with blog topics on your website will
pull attention to your business. Before you know it, you are your own
While learning, designing, building
and running websites, you are bound to stumble on various opportunities and
knowledge on the internet. Some of which will come very handy to survive and
grow your career in today's intellectually competitive. The demand for skills
and experience, not only in employees but in the professional world is at its
rising peak. With diversity being on the tongues of many people in business, it
is essential to update yourself before contact with an external source. Not only
do you get a personalized website but with expert knowledge, self-empowerment,
knowledge, confidence, creativity and innovation. You'd be set apart even
before you're tested.
There's always that time when your
eyes seem brighter than your current account balance. Web design is a very
lucrative business in the professional world. But know that "you can't
give what you don't have". Having a front seat experience like designing your website would serve as an encouragement to take up that side job. Now, you
can pay those extra bills. As humans, we plan our lives and have a destination
in view. But we can never correctly envisage what our paths have for us. If you
agree that we never know where we'd flow to in a few years, why not connect the
puzzles in preparation?
The days of A4-paper size resume has
gone along with time passing. Printed resumes with
the usual certificates are speedily becoming old fashioned as firms are looking
for A+ candidates with more to offer. Owing a personal website would spark the
interest of your employees on how much of a creative person you can be. A lot
of online job connections started from a random website owner with intriguing
creativity gained from personal practice, and a businessman in search of
something beyond the usual. There are tons of online profiles thanks to
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others. However, there are limitations as
regards their format, design, and presentation of data. The good thing is these
platforms allow you to add a URL which links people to a detailed online
profile. Building your website circumvents the limitations, and you have it
your way.
Imagine that extra capital that
could have gone into something more being spent on something you could have
done yourself. That regular stipend that goes into the pocket of a paid web
designer for periodic modifications. While you might see this as a problem only
for small scale businesses, we have to note here the importance of investment
to large scale businesses. Now and then modifications are made to the website,
contents are also uploaded and removed. The paid web designer keeps feeding off
your ignorance. This little stipend as it may seem, if accumulated and invested
rightly, would serve as capital for another venture. No matter how successful a
business is, there's always room for expansion. With the right financial
intelligence and skill, your website would be more of an asset than a
Being the creator and supervisor of
your website does not only improve your business but also develops you as a
person. Your level of financial intelligence increases. The knowledge you
acquire on a small scale can be applied to even more significant business
problems. It opens your mind to the benefits of skill acquisition and gives you
the edge in a gathering of many other business people. In general, it takes you
beyond the levels of the usual businessman and keeps you there. Creating your
website would only serve as an encouragement to create more complicated things,
and test the limits to your skills.
Take a look at the majority of
drawbacks mentioned in the intro, and you will see that taking charge and
creating your website will open the door to their solutions. Easy to use web
design tools like website builders to bring your imaginations to life within
your comfort zone.
It's only as easy as it gets.
However, with technology at your fingertips, you can get yourself a website
even before you can spell capital.