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4 Signs You’re Using the Wrong Managed Service Provider

How to Tell if Your MSP is Actually Helping Your Business Grow

One of the most exciting things about business -- regardless of industry -- is that the game is always changing. There are always new innovations to explore, new strategies to adopt, and new services to try that can give your company an edge over the competition. Experimenting with all of these developing tools is a necessary part of operating a business, and as in any experiment, some trials go better than others.

If your goal is to find the best managed IT services for your business, you unfortunately might not find the perfect match for your company on the first try. Is it time for you to move onto another MSP? Consider the 4 warning signs below:

     You’re experiencing downtime
     Security concerns are increasing rather than decreasing
     You’re consistently offered only “one-size-fits-all” solutions
     Your MSP doesn’t have a growth-oriented company culture

Managed IT Services are supposed to make your team’s productivity and security skyrocket. If you aren’t seeing that happen, something may be amiss.

1. Since you switched to your current MSP, downtimes have gone way up.

For many companies, one of the most persuasive factors in the decision to try out an MSP is that managed IT services are supposed to decrease downtimes and boost productivity. After all, you’re bringing in an entire organization dedicated to keeping your company’s tech in tip-top shape.

If you notice that downtimes are actually increasing, you could be facing one of several issues:

     Your current MSP may not be monitoring your organization’s needs closely enough
     Your current MSP may not have the expertise necessary to support your company’s needs
     Your current MSP may not have the resources necessary to support the complexity or size of your technology needs

Regardless of whether it’s due to carelessness or it’s because there’s something missing in your MSP, increasing downtimes are a huge red flag.

2. You’ve experienced one or more major security scares -- or worse, breaches.

Just a few decades ago, data was in its infancy. Today, we live in an increasingly data-centric world. We’re constantly collecting, monitoring, and using data to operate and grow our companies. At this point, it’s essential, which by extension means keeping it secure is also essential.

IT managed service providers should have the resources necessary to keep your data more secure than you are able to keep it on your own. That’s part of the allure and MSP has, especially to smaller companies and startups. If your security concerns are mounting and your MSP is not responding effectively, it may be time to switch providers.

Every company has unique IT needs. If your MSP isn’t able to support your current and future needs, it may be time to go back to the drawing board as far as IT services go.

3. Your MSP doesn’t provide you with customized solutions.

A managed IT service provider maintains relationships with a variety of software and hardware vendors, which is how they are able to offer you tailor-made solutions that fit your company’s needs precisely. If that doesn’t sound like the experience you’re having with your MSP, something is definitely not right.

A good MSP won’t push your company towards “one-size-fits-all” solutions. On the contrary, they will work with you to understand your unique needs and goals, develop a scalable IT support plan, and update your service as necessary to keep your company on track.

4. Your MSP is stagnant.

It’s so important that it’s worth mentioning again -- business is always changing. Any company that’s going to be successful has to be growth-oriented, and you should be able to see that at all levels of the business.

Company culture is a powerful thing. Good MSPs will encourage employees to continue learning and create a culture that supports growth and communication. If you get the sense that your MSP is stuck in the past, beware. If you aren’t careful, you might end up stuck right there with them.

Pinpointing the right managed IT service provider can be challenging, but making sure the businesses you partner with will encourage your company’s growth is essential.

Finding the right managed service provider for your business can be tricky. Just like so many other things, it can take a bit of trial and error to get it right. If any of the items in this list sounded a little too familiar, it might be time to look elsewhere for IT support.

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