Cyber Crime: 5 Reasons Why it Rarely Gets Reported

Any person who goes online is at a real risk of cyber-attack, as there are literally thousands of viruses and spyware that can find their way through your anti-virus software and onto your hard drive. Despite the many occurrences of viral infection, very few actually get reported, and with that in mind, here are the main reasons why people do not report an instance of a cyber-attack.

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1. Afraid of the Consequences – If an employee unwittingly double clicks an email attachment that leads to a virus infection, most are reluctant to tell their superior, for fear of some kind of reprisal. If the company has the foresight to enlist the help of a tried and trusted managed IT security service provider, then the problem would never have been there in the first place.

2. An Unimportant Event – It might be that an employee clicks on something they should not have, and if after the event, it seems like business as normal, the worker would likely think it isn’t an important thing, and wouldn’t bother telling their boss. Viruses and other forms of malicious code might not do their stuff straight away, and when it does, there are no visible signs that anything is wrong. If you would like to know more about computer security, there are online guides on many different forms of malicious code and viruses that you can check out.

3. Thinking the Virus is Untraceable – Many people mistakenly think that a virus is untraceable, yet with the right virus tracking software, the origins of the malicious code can be found. If your business is vulnerable to cyber-attack, you really should hire an expert who offers managed security services, as they can ensure that you are free from cyber-attack of every kind.
Image Source: Unsplash

4. Wasting People’s Time – Some business owners think that informing the authorities will end up wasting their time, yet without reporting a cyber-attack, those who are trying to protect users will have insufficient knowledge regarding the types and frequencies of cyber-attacks. Some researchers believe that as many as 80% of all cyber-attacks go unreported, which is valuable data that could have been used to prevent any further successful cyber-attack events.

5. Embarrassment – Often the cyber-criminal will use an email that accuses the victim of surfing websites that are of a sexual nature, and some even claim to have images or footage from the user’s webcam. Due to the nature of such scams, they often go unreported, which makes it harder for cyber security experts to fully understand the cyber-criminal’s strategies.

Image Source: Pexels

Whether your business is a one-man show or a multi-national corporation, you really should contact a specialist firm who offer managed IT security services, and they can carry out some penetrative tests to see how good your online security actually is. With so much at stake, it simply isn’t worth taking the risk of not having up to date anti-virus software, and with a Google search, you can find a local company that offers managed IT security solutions.

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