8 Tips to Help You Create a Home Office That Fosters Inspiration

Remote work is no longer making news as a novelty trend, but it continues to shape how we and where we work. About 12% of employed Americans are working from home, and if you’re among them you’ve probably had to rethink your home to make room for a workspace. Of course, the makeshift home office at the kitchen table can work if you’re in a pinch, but for a more permanent solution, you need a dedicated space to work from home. To help you set up a home office that inspires you to work, we’ve put together a few tips below: 

1. Carve Out Room for Your Work Office

One of the first things you need to do when you’re considering a home office is to choose a spot in your home. Gauge the space you have to work with and the resources at hand. Is there an empty room you can use? The rarely used guest room is the usual suspect, but you can turn to a nook or a corner of another room to turn it into your workspace. Also, factor in the type of work you’re doing and your work style to choose the best possible space to work from. If you’re a writer, you might want to minimize distractions, for example. In this case, a separate room might be a better option.

2. Decide on a layout design

Once you decide on the space that will become your home office, consider how you want the room to look and feel. Aim for space efficiency and functionality: you want the space you’re using to best support your work while taking up the least amount of space possible. As you’re reconfiguring the space, the existing furniture, decorations and other belongings need to be reevaluated. You might be able to use some of the existing ones, but chances are you will also need to bring in new pieces to help you work from home. To make room for your desk and chair, for instance, you could put the surplus belongings in a storage unit. They can sit there until they’re ready to be used again. 

Moreover, a sofa might also be a great idea to help you take a breather without leaving the work area. You could also add a patterned rug to help define the area and to give the space a cozy feel. Wool or natural fiber rugs make excellent choices as they help create a relaxed atmosphere. Moreover, consider a color scheme that best matches your personality and one that also matches your home’s design.

3. Make Organization a Priority

Keeping your workspace organized has a practical side – you will find your possessions much more easily. Use wall-mounted shelving for your books and similar materials and filing cabinets if you need to keep printed records. There is also an aesthetic side to organization, as keeping things organized makes for an inviting space. Add a personal touch to your organization to blend the practical with the beautiful. Pick antique boxes, vintage jars or other antiques to hold your pens and other office knickknacks in order. 

4. Don’t Go Light on Light

Natural light is essential to our well-being. Therefore, if possible, position your desk close to a window to catch some sun and natural light. Place it across from the window to minimize screen glare. Another way to invite more natural light in is to install a mirror – it helps to improve natural light.

Alternatively, you can install a smart light bulb that you can connect to one of your devices to control light throughout the day. This way, you can adjust light settings as you need based on whether you’re more alert in the mornings or in the afternoons. 

5. Create a Welcoming Atmosphere With Décor

While most items you place in your workspace have a clear practical purpose, there’s room for decorative pieces to spark up your motivation and inspiration at work. This is where you can let your personality shine a little. Hang a beautiful painting and add vintage items such as typewriters to add character to your home office, space permitting. 

If you’re a maximalist, play with accent pieces, whether it’s a hangable rug or painting a wall in a bright color. Decorate your couch with a throw and cushions in bold patterns and colors. This strategy pays off aesthetically, especially if you pick a couch in a muted color that serves as a canvas for the accent pieces.  

6. Invite Plants in 

Plants create that connection to nature we all crave to feel relaxed. They’re also known to boost productivity and provide cleaner air. Pick smaller potted plants, such as succulents, if you have limited space. Additionally, you can hang a plant or two from the ceiling for an extra pop of greenery. 

7. Add Natural Fragrances

To further inspire you to do the best work, engage your sense of smell as well. Add scent diffusers and scented candles to boost your mood while working. Pick energizing fragrances for deep focus and warmer woody ones in the evening if that’s when you’re doing easier tasks. Personalizing the scent of your workspace is one of the perks of having a home office.

8. Minimize Disruptions

To be productive, you need to be able to keep distractions away. Place your home office away from a nearby TV, a gaming console or other devices and items you might associate with your free time, such as a musical instrument. Moreover, if you live with your family, you might benefit from using noise-cancelling headphones to minimize distracting noises. Acoustic panels and curtains are also great at soundproofing your workspace.

Following these tips can put you on the right track to having a workspace at home that can support your focus at work so that you can achieve your full potential while enjoying a pleasant environment tailored to your needs and tastes.

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