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How the Rise of Enterprise Clouds Reshapes EMM

94% of businesses worldwide already use some kind of cloud services being quite satisfied with the results. Does this impact all internal business processes? Definitely. Is mobility management among the involved areas? Of course. The question is: how big is the impact? Let’s find out!

What is EMM?

EMM stands for enterprise mobility management. It is a set of technologies and services used by a company to secure corporate data on their employees’ mobile devices (both personal and corporate ones). In simple words, this is a suite of AMS services that protects any business-sensitive data ranging from intellectual property to staff conversations. The main goal of EMM is to guarantee that all internal information of a company stays secured regardless of the device used, no matter whether it is a corporate tablet, personal phone, or a friend’s computer.

The Benefits of EMM

Well, the idea of EMM for a business sounds like an absolute must-have because every large corporation needs insider information to remain within its walls. Let’s review what this security technology means and can offer.


Every single device in the corporation adds a new weak point for the cyber-attack. EMM, in the form of an app, for example, allows the IT department to monitor activity on a device to ensure that no suspicious attempts are undertaken.

No data loss

Imagine that an employee forgets the phone in the airport and flies away. Such a device poses a potential threat as the competitors may obtain the phone and retrieve sensitive data. A good EMM together with AMS technology can wipe out the phone remotely to avoid data loss.


BYOD increases employees’ productivity by 34%, and EMM allows them to keep working on their own or corporate mobile devices. It is that simple.

Reduced tech overhead

It is believed that by allowing employees to use their own devices, a company can save on buying them extra phones or laptops as well as on paying for the service of those devices.

At first glance, EMM seems to be the true miracle for any enterprise as it is the perfect way to control all devices and data in the work environment. It promotes the safety of business data and security from any cyber-attacks. But whether all of the above is true or maybe some benefits are the absolute opposites, let’s see further.

The Failure of Traditional EMM

The reality of the EMM world is slightly different than it seems to be. Yes, AMS support is essential to monitor the safety of internal data, and it is true that control of every single employee as a node is obligatory to maintain safe storage and usage of the company’s internal information. However, in reality, the IT department faces a huge problem to control, maintain and protect every single device brought onboard by all staff members. A tentative list of ‘control’ that EMM needs to provide includes:

  1. Locking a device in case of its loss or theft
  2. Wiping out all or company-related info
  3. Location control
  4. Geofencing
  5. Internet connection security check
  6. Apps pushing
  7. Camera usage
  8. Emails/texts control

And this is only a shortlist! Imagine that there are two devices per employee in a 10,000 company, and the IT department needs to monitor 20,000 devices every second of the day. It sounds like a nightmare because the IT guys definitely have much more duties than following each worker’s device.

The truth is, the whole system of device management in every large company is rather complicated and complex. Unfortunately, the old EMM strategies basically immobilize whole departments, preventing them from the fulfillment of efficient and routine work. The idea in its core is perfect – security of inside corporate information is essential – no doubts here. Yet, the stage of implementation is where the problem lies.

The traditional system requires employees to install corporate apps on their personal devices and allow those apps to monitor their devices fully, including personal texts. Nevertheless, nobody wants their company to have access to private conversations and such ultimate control over their own phones or laptops.

In the past, the only way out of this complex situation was to provide each and every employee with a set of devices for work: a phone, a laptop, a tablet, and anything else needed. But it is quite expensive and frequently inefficient because hardware requires quite frequent updates. And this is where the new solution comes forward – cloud as a new magic wand for easier and more effective AMS management strategies. 

What is Cloud Enterprise?

An enterprise cloud is a model of platform services and IT infrastructure that provides benefits of private, public, and distributed clouds. An enterprise cloud guarantees a high-performance experience that is consistent for both operators and consumers of the cloud itself or applications based on it. 

Enterprise cloud management frequently involves the implementation of an application management system (AMS) provided by an external vendor. The outsourcing mobile app development company can help with the development of the cloud strategy for a business, cloud migration planning of existing services, further AMS application management services and cloud security.

Enterprise cloud solutions can significantly increase the speed of all IT-related processes in a company and boost the security of the whole business. Clouds automate app deployment, simplify new releases, as well as ease data transferring and access for both internal and external users; clouds can also facilitate all operations with the existing apps owing to the open and flexible infrastructure. All these advantages have proved their worth since the hybrid cloud adoption rate already reached 58%. 

How Could Enterprise Impact EMM and AMS Services?

First, we need to roll back a bit to recollect the benefits of EMM: cybersecurity, no data loss, productivity, and reduced tech overhead. As it has been mentioned, not everything is perfect in the world of traditional EMM: security and tech overhead remain the two major problems. And this is where cloud-based AMS service providers step in to save the day.

Let’s start with the global need of the tech department to control all phones and laptops in the company. AMS services in the cloud can eliminate this issue. Cloud EMM is focused not on the devices used by employees, but rather on their accounts. It means that a cloud admin develops a hierarchy of accounts to control accesses they have. And then, each type gets a set of permissions depending on the rules. In this way, the IT department receives complete control over accounts. Thus, it becomes easier to establish sets of rules within the AMS support system to avoid manual control of each and every device.

In terms of security, cloud solutions also open new doors for many corporations. Once everything is set up, all the sensitive data gets stored not locally on a computer or a phone, but in the cloud. So if an employee needs to share work or personal phone, for example, with a friend, they simply log out of the account hence preventing this third-party access to any internal data. Many AMS services allow for double MFA upon logging in to the account to increase the security of everyone’s account even further.

Owing to the ease of use and such great security of the technology, the cloud-based AMS services have considerably transformed the whole approach of EMM. Instead of tracking each and every device in fear of data leakage, companies now simply lock their data in secure cloud storage thereby managing and controlling access of accounts only rather than devices. Of course, the implementation of such cloud solutions requires thorough preparation and gradual deployment to ensure a smooth transition to the application of new technology. But still, the optimized efficiency is definitely worth the time and effort! 

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