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7 Augmented Reality Trends To Watch In 2020 & Beyond

Summary: Augmented Reality is known to have given a new third dimension to user experience and the way content is seen. It is the future of technology. In this article, we summarize how and when the trends of augmented reality are envisioned to shape further in the coming times.

‘We don’t just use technology, we live technology’. Augmented Reality is the new concept on the bloc that is making this statement literally true. It is blurring the lines between reality and perceived reality. Technology has been making our lives easier; AR is a real-like platform that actually enables entering it. This technology enables the creation of real-like 3-dimensional objects that pop-up from a smart device like a laptop, phone, or an i-pad. The viewer can then zoom-in and zoom-out these objects to learn and analyze them better. Mostly, these objects are developed as parts of, or complete images and videos for better interactivity.

Virtual Reality is another technology platform related to AR. It includes the creation of a complete new digitally-created reality world. These worlds provide a perception of entering a new reality through some gadgets like the head-mounted displays and hand, arm, leg, or even eye-ball movement sensors. Augmented Reality, on the other hand, requires no such extra gadget. It overall increases the scope of this technology in the current scenarios.

An engineer is able to send his 3-dimensional machine design to a company across countries and oceans, who are in turn able to analyze and understand it completely owing to the technology utilized at the base.

Google Glass, Heads-up display in windshields, SkyLens games like Ingress, etc. are all recently developed applications of Augmented Reality. The concept behind this technology is transmission of extra information that may or may not pertain to extra-sensory aspects of objects developed. It is the extra ‘augmenting’ information.

As per reports in Statista, The number of mobile AR users globally is expected to reach 2.4 billion by 2023.

With more innovative technology options entering the markets on a day-to-day basis, Augmented Reality Is being promoted as the next level of richer User Experience with a 3D interface being made possible over and above any kind of real content in realtime. 

Augmented Reality offers interactive 3D experiences in a real-world background. The technology has found immense use and connect with businesses looking for options with higher engageability. This extra augmenting information classifies the final output of applications in various categories.

Analyzing the AR Growth Trends -

Let us now figure out trends reigning in this space:

Scanning or ‘Marking’ Based Augmented Reality Apps: These AR-based products require scanning of a static image (called the ‘trigger image’) or a QR code using the ‘image recognition’ concepts to enable the display of 3-dimensional content created. The technology herein includes a software as well that maps the two together and there is a requirement of a smartphone that is compatible with this technology. These AR applications have been finding great utilization in the fields of education, marketing, interior design, social media, etc. Ikea Place allows users to scan their room images in real-time and then place Ikea Furniture over and above it to look for suitability.

The famous Snapchat app too utilizes this feature of Augmented Reality. It allows scans of face and allows overlaying of different ‘looks’ therein. 

Location and GPS Based AR: Some applications like maps, Pokemon Go, location-based requirements utilize GPS based functionalities. The augmented information in these applications is used to define their positioning. Also called the ‘marker-less’ AR systems, the technology involved utilizes a location instead of an image to trigger 3-d content.

As per the latest reports, Google Maps now further enables placement of big arrows over and above the maps, for specific usage of pedestrians to ensure and double-check that the user does not get lost.

Additional ‘Superimposing’ 3-d Objects: Certain AR-based applications utilize in-built objects to superimpose on realistic environments to hide the original objects and create new effects over and above. Interior design applications and machine editing software are examples of such kind. Have you witnessed the 3-d animals that could be placed in homes and rooms with the help of Google AR platforms. These animal-objects can be placed anywhere and rotated at any angle for a real-like 3-d view. This is another aspect of user experience, wherein Augmented Reality has already been introduced.

Human Movement Sensing Applications: These are the most recently developed AR applications. ‘Motion Capture Systems’ are becoming one of the most popular forms of AR systems that capture human motion and then display 3-d content in context of this movement. Tracking of human motion allows these applications to touch, grab and directly interact with all kinds of 3-d content. They project light onto the user and his space to sense his movement through sensors. This movement is then utilized to select choices and explore the application further. As of now, this is an expensive technology that requires Pyroelectric Infrared Sensors (PIR). But, the excitement created all along for its usability has led to further research and prices are touted to come down sooner than imagined.

3-D Marketplace: The technology is all set to hit the retail markets in a big way. With low customer footfalls in markets, the markets shall go to the customer, at his place; in this format. The technology allows customers to have a market-like experience and try products before purchase, through their smartphone itself. Obviously, Augmented Reality based objects offer a higher degree of interactivity and engageability for the viewer, not to mention a richer interface and user experience. It has become the technology of choice for many app development companies as well. Augmented Reality is emerging as the next-gen tool for greater user experience and of course, marketing.

AR Games: Use of Augmented Reality in Games began with Pokemon Go and Ingress. The technology allows super imposing of ‘game objects’ over real world fixtures. The scope of such applications and games is surging by the day and the trend is here to stay.

Games like Ghostbusters, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, The Walking Dead, etc. are progressive works in this direction.

Varied Business Solutions with Augmented Reality: 2017 was the year of turns for Augmented Reality when Apple launched ARKit and Google launched ARCore. These are easy to develop AR kits that made AR application development a relatively easier process. The companies and businesses have since been jumping on the bandwagon. There are already many dating apps, sports apps, medicine apps, tourism apps, amongst others that are currently being designed or are already set to enter digital markets. Hyundai has been an initiator in this segment and has even launched AR-based manuals that allows users to gain knowledge about their vehicle and its requirements. A newer and more innovative way to provide user experience.


One way or the other, Augmented Reality is here to stay for a long time to come. It is making technology much more user-friendly and interactive. With the coming of age of technologies and larger companies at its helm, the technology is touted for a bright future ahead.

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