Why the Distributed Cloud is the Most Secure, Cost-effective and Green Storage Solution

We all need to store data, images and files somewhere, and it’s become increasingly difficult to find the perfect solution. Traditional cloud service providers often require users to compromise on something, whether that be their privacy, the environment or the need to pay costly monthly fees. However, recently, a new more viable alternative has emerged with the birth of the distributed cloud. If you’re currently in the dark about what exactly it is and why it’s such a revolutionary technology, we’ve created a distributed cloud 101 so you can get to grips with this cloud storage alternative. Here are some of its key characteristics which make it so special.

What is a Distributed Cloud?

The distributed cloud is exactly as it sounds: cloud storage with a geographically dispersed infrastructure. The idea being, that by spreading people’s data across a network, it allows the data to be located closer to the end-user - the impact? Faster transfer speed, reduced network congestion and close to zero risk of data loss. One of the most important features to be noted about the distributed cloud, is that unlike centralized cloud models, it doesn’t rely on data centers and is, therefore, a much greener storage solution. Without the need for energy-hungry cooling systems, it is the most environmentally viable option. All in all, a win-win situation.

Now let’s start to look at some of the features that really make the distributed cloud standout.

Security and Reliability

First off, its unparalleled security and reliability. In the first half of 2019 alone, there were 4.1 billion data breaches, with 71% being financially motivated and 25% intelligence. The distributed cloud, rather than cloud computing is much more secure and reliable. As it relies on many systems, rather than one single entity - if there is the chance of technical glitches, your data is much more secure. Plus, as data is split into chunks and spread across a peer-to-peer network - it guarantees that files are 100% private and it means your files are always accessible (to you) as they have been safely stored across the network.

Cost-Effective and Instant Upload

The distributed cloud doesn’t rely on a data center, where 70% of the cloud resources are needed to maintain the centers alone. Building, cooling and maintaining the server farms is extremely costly and part of the cost falls on the end user, so without the need for data centers, costs are drastically reduced and means a competitive price for customers. Moreover, the geographical proximity of users’ files (they are stored on the network close to the user) makes for the fastest upload possible. 


The whole Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ecosystem (i.e., the internet infrastructure) accounts for 10% of the world's energy consumption, about 1,500 Terawatt hours per year - that’s more energy than Germany and Japan combined! Data centers contribute substantially to the internet’s carbon footprint, producing more than 110 million tons of CO2 every year.

Data centers consume energy in the following two ways:

     Storage consumption: keeping data remotely accessible on the cloud needs a constantly-operating and cooled-down infrastructure of storage racks.

     Transfer consumption: similarly, transferring data over long distances heavily increases the data traffic on internet relay nodes, requiring additional energy to operate the routing infrastructure.

Once again, no data center = positive outcome: a cheaper, greener cloud.

What Options are Available on the Market?

So, if you think that a distributed cloud might be the option you’ve been looking for, you might be wondering what your options are. Our current favorite is the Cubbit Cell. The cell offers users a pay-once model (no monthly fees) and the option to expand it up to 4TB by plugging in external USB devices. Also, they guarantee total customer security and privacy by using a US military-grade protocol, so that not even they can see what you have saved on your Cell.

In short, a distributed cloud means a cloud that is greener, more cost-effective, more private and more secure - the perfect solution for storing photos, confidential work files and more. Want to know more? Click here or watch this.

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