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Optimizing Mobile App Testing With Automation

There are around 5 billion smartphone users in the world who spend 80 percent of their mobile use time surfing and interacting with apps on their device. On the surface, this may seem like an exciting opportunity for application development companies, however, it can be equally overwhelming and challenging. As the competition for mobile apps is all time, the consumer demands are through the roof and almost every company is scrambling to meet their requirements and offering something unique. 

Hence, ensuring that the apps are error-free and they run smoothly as per to the user satisfaction is of utmost priority. This is where the mobile application testing company comes into the picture; they identify the vulnerabilities and strategically eliminate all the weak points of the application. Let's check out why automation testing is becoming important.

Need for Automated Testing

As compared to the web applications, the mobile app testing is far more complex and haphazard mainly because mobile applications have the basic requirement of supporting multiple networks, devices, software, and OS platforms. Adding this to the fast-paced OS updates, launch of new and upgraded devices with additional features, and the high customer expectations of unique features that necessitate additional test cycles, the mobile application had multi-dimensional and layered infrastructure. Thus, for the end to end performance optimization, cost efficiency, timely delivery of the product, and the market readiness, the automated testing is no longer an option; it’s an inevitability.

Also Check: List of 5 Best Automation Testing Tools

Performance Optimization and Scalability with Automated Testing

Since the organizations are now adopting agile frameworks, the teams now have shorter development cycles which often require running regression, compatibility tests, and performance tests numerous times. Therefore, keeping this in consideration a mobile application testing company which uses automation in their testing procedures would have greater benefits relatively. The advantages of automated mobile app testing include;

  • Completing the test procedure faster which in turn gives more time to the development team and also allows testing to be done multiple times.
  • Reduces the possibility of human error.
  • It allows the tests to be run on dozens of different devices at the same time.
  • It is not restricted by the geographic or time limitations; can be performed remotely as well.


The automated mobile application testing is a win-win situation for all factions. As the monotonous, time-consuming, and repetitive tasks are automated, the testers are not only able to run the tests frequently, and on various devices, they can now focus on the high quality probing and examination for defects and bugs, analyze the security of the app with more scrutiny, and provide recommendations for the user interface as well. 

Developers, on the other hand, can put the entirety of their focus on whether any of their new constraints or added elements had any impact on the application, and if any changes that they made fixed the previous issues. Managers would also benefit from the faster reporting as they would be able to make faster and better decisions regarding the project, and the next step forward.

Also Read: Top 6 Software Testing Trends to Watch Out

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