Why you Need CMMS to Compliment your Growth Marketing Strategies

The behemoths in the business world like Facebook, Uber, Google, and so forth attribute a large part of their success to terrific growth marketing. If your business boasts a product that is highly in demand, it is time to make it grow. In this article, we shall discuss two remarkable ways to optimize your business - adopting growth marketing and simplifying Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). 
Poor marketing will get you nowhere because every lead you get will inevitably hit a dead-end even though people love your product. Therefore, if your business has a great product to sell, adopting growth marketing is a lucrative idea. 

What is Growth Marketing?

Growth Marketing is the process of conducting numerous experiments to optimize and improve the results of the desired target area. If you have a specific parameter you want to increase, growth marketing is your go-to solution. 

What does a Growth Marketer do?

A growth marketer usually follows a set of processes meticulously. These processes include the following:
Growth marketing teams are responsible for
  • Determining the areas that need improvement across all departments in the business
  • Developing and designing experiments to solve the identified challenges
  • Conducting experiments to test hypothetical solutions
  • Analyzing experiment results and doing more experiments
Growth marketers are on the lookout for opportunities to improve and come up with effective growth strategies ranging from SEO to email marketing to ensure a low churn rate. 

Why should you hire a Growth Marketer?

Companies with great products often fail to capitalize by implementing poor marketing strategies. As mentioned earlier, the most well-known and profitable companies in the world attribute an enormous chunk of their success to growth marketing. Here is why you should consider hiring a growth marketer - 

To Acquire and Retain Customers: 

This is the most obvious reason to hire a growth marketer. Every business that is aiming for substantial success needs to have a considerable number of customers. 

To Consolidate marketing efforts: 

Growth Marketing dissolves boundaries between the marketing department from the others to be more effective in acquiring more engaged customers. 

What should you look for in a Growth Marketer?

  • Creativity

Growth marketing almost entirely depends on your ability to implement new ideas. This could mean using new ideas altogether or implementing old ideas differently. 

  • Interest in Business Optimization

Optimization takes a lot of work. If you are looking for effective growth marketing, you ought to find a growth marketer who is enthusiastic and invested in your business optimization. 

  • Driven by Data

While going by intuition can be a great way to start and be innovative, your growth marketer has to run experiments and optimize your business using reliable data

  • The mentality of a Hacker

Your ideal growth marketer needs to be willing to think outside the box to drum up new ways to fetch your results. This ties in with the quality of innovation. 

  • Being Logical

Your growth marketer ought to be able to think on his feet and be logical about which areas need improvement. 

  • Paying Attention

This is a no brainer. If you want to be effective in retaining your customers, your growth marketer needs to be willing to pay attention to your customers to make quick improvements and solve problems as they are brought to notice. 

  • Business Maintenance

If you have a multitude of customers under your belt, now is an excellent time to ensure consistent and straightforward maintenance management. This is where the Computerized Maintenance Management System, or CMMS software comes into play. 
Back in the day, maintenance data was generally recorded with a pencil and paper. As a result, maintenance was done only when something went wrong.
However, with the advent of CMMS software, organizations could track work orders, generate accurate reports quickly, and instantly determine which assets required preventive maintenance. This change led to extended asset lifespans, improved organization, and reduced costs, and increased profits as a consequence. 

Advantages of CMMS Software

  • Schedule preventative maintenance measures

CMMS software automates the scheduling of inspections and maintenance, thereby preventing the occurrence of maintenance problems and expensive repairs. 
Proactive maintenance extends the life of the equipment used while reducing the overall operating costs of maintenance.  

  • Manage work orders efficiently

CMMS Software improves workflow and efficiency by allowing you to schedule, assign, and close work orders quickly and without hassle.

  • Manage your spare parts inventory

A disorganized maintenance department can make it difficult for maintenance managers to find the parts they need when they need them. 
A CMMS system helps maintenance managers track the assets that need to be maintained and set up the automatic reordering of parts so that repairs can be done quickly. 

  • Elimination of paperwork

Using CMMS software eliminates the need for paperwork and clipboards as the software can be set up to capture and retain the required information automatically, thereby making notes, files, and folders redundant. 
Moreover, the maintenance personnel can view all the necessary information on their computers or mobile devices. 

  • Productivity Enhancement 

The CMMS software can be used on smartphones, allowing maintenance technicians to access real-time information, check inventory, and initiate work orders without having to head to the office. 
This saves significant amounts of time and increases productivity

  • Reduction of Repair Costs

A CMMS system enables you to maintain structures and assets regularly, and therefore, they are less prone to breaking down, which implies that repair costs are also reduced.

  • Increase in safety

CMMS software helps organizations regularly check and maintain their equipment and hence, meet safety standards to prevent malfunction and critical failure. Therefore, there is a reduced risk of accidents and loss of work time. 

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  1. Anonymous13 October

    Great piece that highlights the benefits of CMMS software used in conjunction with a marketing strategy.
