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How To Make Your Business More Environmentally Friendly

Your business will have an impact on the environment, no matter what you do, but you have the power to minimize this. There are many ways in which you can make your business more environmentally friendly and, in this article, we will be covering our favorite tips on how to achieve this.

Recycle, recycle, recycle

One easy way that your business can do its bit is to ensure that you have an office recycling plan in place. Use separate recycling bins for plastics, metals, glass, cardboard and paper. You can also use food cady to recycle your food waste and turn it into compost. Many local councils will have a recycling plant or recycling scheme with local businesses. They will be able to support you through this change and will be able to accommodate any bin collections. Recycling is the easiest way that we can all ensure that less waste ends up in landfills. Another way is by planting more plants and you can check out natural dwellers for more details

Say goodbye to single-use plastic

Is your business creating lots of plastic waste? Not all plastics can be recycled so it's important to consider how much plastic waste you as a business are going through every year. By making simple changes you can help cut down on this. Ideas such as replacing the plastic cups in the water cooler with glasses, buying sandwiches and snacks that don’t come in single-use plastics, purchase items from companies who use biodegradable plastics and offer your staff members plates and cutlery, so they aren’t tempted to use plastic alternatives. 

Start a cycle to work scheme

Not only will cycling to work help keep your employees fit and healthy, but it will also cut down on carbon emissions. It is also a great way to relieve stress for employees. Offer a scheme to encourage your employees to make the switch. If the journey to work is too far to cycle, then you could offer a work carpool scheme also. This would mean fewer cars traveling to the office and will cut down on fuel emissions. It will also save your staff money, as they will split the petrol costs. If you wanted to encourage this message you could have a monthly day dedicated to leaving the car at home. This would mean staff are encouraged to use greener forms of transport, carpool or use public transport to get to work. 

Power your workplace with renewable energy

If possible, you could look into powering your workplace with a renewable form of energy. Switching to solar power or wind power would be a great way for you to create energy without impacting on the planet. You may be able to get investment or grants from your local council to help make the change, so it’s definitely something to consider. Another added benefit is that if you create more power than you use through your renewable energy source you can then sell it back to the electricity grid.  

Don’t waste water

Water is essential, so it is important to make sure you aren’t unnecessarily wasting it in your business. Make sure employees don’t leave taps running in the bathroom or kitchen. Also, check that your plumbing is in good working order and you are not having costly leaks in your pipes. If you really want to cut down on your water wastage you could invest in an environmentally friendly water system.

Get growing!

Planting trees, shrubs, bushes or even investing in office plants are all ways that you can tackle climate change. Not only will it brighten up the office but the plants will improve the overall air quality. By planting greenery outside your office you could even create a staff garden for the summer months. This will provide your workforce with a relaxing place to unwind during their lunch break and will help boost office morale. You could also take it a step further and consider setting up a staff vegetable garden, you could then offer the vegetables to staff members. Little ideas like this, can go a long way in helping your business become eco-friendly and also by encouraging your staff to do so also.

Ditch the chemical clean

Our cleaning products are full of harmful chemicals that have an impact on your health and nature. Although it may be more costly, making the switch to non-toxic cleaning products can have health benefits for your staff and also helps keep toxic chemicals out of the workplace. 

Always choose sustainably

When buying goods or using a service, choose companies that are ethically and environmentally sustainable. It might take a little more research but by investing in sustainable suppliers you will ensure that you do not purchase products that aren’t damaging to the environment or have unnecessary excess packaging that will end up straight in the landfill. You can use this to set your business apart, make it part of your policy with supplies and actively engage and develop relationships with environmentally friendly suppliers. 

Use eco-friendly promotional products

When you are promoting your brand at events, why not use products that are environmentally sustainable? Forget the pens and instead opt for a reusable water bottle or a cotton tote bag. By providing products that consumers will be happy to use again, you are not only getting your brand name out there but you are also creating a branded item that will be reused time and time again and is less likely to end up in a landfill. 

Recycle old tech equipment

The last one goes without saying, but you still find that some companies will put old tech equipment in the landfill. Instead of this, you can recycle them. Computers especially which may no longer be of use to you will be in demand and there are plenty of charities you can get in touch with to learn about how to donate them. Recycling electronic items are easy, if in doubt on how to do this get in touch with your local council. Please remember to wipe everything off your items before you recycle them. 

Be responsible with your electronics

Companies are mostly digitized in this day and age, and smartphones and computers have become commonplace. Still, gadgets depreciate over time, and once they outlive their usefulness, you have to dispose of them. There are ways to responsibly dispose of them if they’re no longer functional. You can dispose of them by following safety protocols set by waste management facilities equipped to handle electronics. Conversely, you can still make them useful by selling your used IT hardware to an e-cycling company.

Written by Sarah McCann, Blog Editor and environmentalist at

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