Six Useful Tips For New iPhone Users

There has recently been a surge in the number of people selecting an iPhone as their smartphone companion. The reasons remain obvious. iPhones pack in a plethora of features such as 3D, Night Shift, Widgets, AirDrop, etc along with simplicity and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem.

However, if you’re new to the iPhone trend, figuring out how to use it may be a breeze if you’re a millennial or a Gen Z, but that doesn’t mean that every single aspect of it is easy to crack. Therefore, here are six useful tips to get you started with your new device so you can make the most of it.

Faster Charging

You can speed up the charging of your smartphone by changing up a few things. The availability of an electrical outlet should not be a problem. You can use other sources when connecting the iPhone, such as a Macbook, although it might experience performance issues while you have the phone on charge. You can opt for a wireless charger as well such as the one by Apple for faster and more efficient charging. 

It is a well-known fact that smartphones tend to charge faster when they are turned off with iPhones being no exception. If you want to use the iPhone while you're still charging it, setting the iPhone to airplane mode is also a good idea. 

Furthermore, disabling resource-hungry applications, such as background applications, facilitates faster charging performance. Finally, you can turn on the energy-saving feature and reduce the screen brightness to allow your iPhone to use fewer resources. 

Dark Mode

It's easier on your eyes and also easier on your battery if you choose to use your phone in dark mode. The darker tones feel more relaxing on the eyes, especially in low light, and don't require as much energy and battery to process as brighter colors.

In today’s day and age, most people cannot imagine using a device without dark mode. Especially, since many of us are night owls and like to scroll through social media or use our favorite apps at night. Fortunately, the new iOS update allows users to enable a system-wide dark mode. If you want to read or watch something in the dark, every application will be more accessible. After all, taking proper care of one's eyes should not be underestimated. 

Better Security

While iPhones have a strong security system in place, they are still very much open to cybersecurity threats. Therefore, it is important to take relevant security measures to curb the impact of such attacks. Chances are, you already have set up a touch or face ID while going through Apple’s introductory screens. Also, come up with a six-digit passcode to add another layer of security to your photo if it contains sensitive information. 

Moreover, lock down your Apple ID with two-factor authentication so that hackers can not access your ID. You are already offered 2FA on your Apple ID so it is highly recommended that you take advantage of it.

Buy AirPods 

AirPods are perhaps the hottest iPhone accessory you can get your hands on today. While they may be costly, for the benefit they offer the cost is nothing in comparison. In addition to offering great sound quality, comfort, and no wires, AirPods can also be used as a hearing aid. 

You can check out if you’re confused about how to connect them to your iPhone.

Make Use Of Siri

Apple's Siri is an AI assistant that continues to develop new features and receive updates with its most recent iOS versions. Siri can be activated by saying “Hey Siri” or on models iPhone X or later, it can be achieved by pressing the side button and then immediately making your request.

You can ask Siri to send a message, play your favorite TV show on your Apple TV, start a workout on your Apple Watch, make calculations, answer questions, play your favorite tunes, and much more. It is also possible to change Siri's accent if you don't like the default version. Siri can be quite useful once you get used to it, but it may take some time to become familiar with this artificial intelligence assistant.

Better Performance

iPhones that have been active for a while are likely to start underperforming. Powering off the device completely will clear the memory. You will notice improvements when you turn it back on. 

Lack of storage can often become an issue with iPhones. Applications create caches and other temporary junk that takes up space. You will need to clear this on a regular basis. You can also free up storage by deleting useless applications and files. 

Also Read: Are iPhones Worth It?

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