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Will 2021 Finally Be The Year Of Wearable Tech?

2020 was a bizarre year for most of the world, and not in a good way. However, one thing that came out of the year that no one really wants to talk about is the amount of innovative tech that was developed and released. We got our hands on the eagerly anticipated 5G smartphones, M1 powered Apple Macs, and the increased popularity of smart yet inexpensive wearable tech.

Wearable tech in 2021

2021 has not started off in a way that any of us would have hoped for, but alongside all of the doom and gloom are rumors and news of exciting new tech and gadgets being released. What we are really interested in though is that wearable tech. It has been on the precipice of being the must-have for a while now, but will 2021 be the year that it finally comes into its own? Will this year be the year of wearable tech?

What is wearable tech

When we talk about wearable tech, we are referring to the group of devices that includes fitness trackers such as the Fitbit and Smartwatches such as the Apple Watch. They are usually worn on the wrist and are designed to be worn every day.  The wearables that most of us are familiar with and use in our everyday life connect to our existing devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, giving it a huge scope of functionality. However, the device needs to be within a relatively short distance of the wearable for it work.

In the not-so-distant future, it is likely that we will be able to leave our smartphone or other device at home and do everything we need to - making calls, sending messages, reading emails, playing the games that you can find here and everything else in between. In short, it will be the only thing that you need.

Why software is so important

This will, of course, mean that software and app developers need to think about how their services are accessed in the future. Physically, wearable tech is much smaller than a smartphone or laptop, so apps need to be scaled down in order for them to be discoverable for users. The screen is so much smaller - are they able to enjoy browsing the internet and playing on on such a small screen? It is important that tech developers consider this carefully and build apps in a manner that is distinctive from mobile apps.

Business marketers are hoping that 2021 brings about much more in the way of analytical data from customers. Smartwatches could provide advertisers with information on purchasing habits and behaviors of their demographic in order to target them more effectively and give them exactly what it is that they want. 

Branching out into smart clothing and footwear

So far, wearable technology is in the main restricted to watches. While there is some smart footwear on the market, such as the Nike Adapt BB Basketball shoes, these are still few and far between, but we envisage 2021 being the year where people demand more in the way of wearable tech that isn’t a watch. Consumers want clothes that can change color on command and not just through body heat, clothes that feature motion sensors, and, perhaps in the future, clothes that can charge up devices! 

2021 is set to be big news for wearable tech, with them becoming much more a part of everyday life and not just limited to the wearing of smartwatches and fitness trackers. 

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