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3 Technological Advancements That Might Give You a Hint in Your Career

Many students wonder, “Who makes most money today?” Right, corporations offering and developing technological advancements that improve the quality of life. From drones to remote computing, these giants know how to impress people. You may join one of them if you are keen on studying tech in college. We’ll discuss the top-3 innovations of the last decade along with the best tech schools in the world.

Cloud & Remote Computing

The number of apps that run on an entity’s private servers goes up with each new year. Organizations tend to switch between various types of software to speed up the working processes and increase productivity. It allows many specialists to work from home, which is especially beneficial during the period of COVID-19 pandemic. Today, it is enough to have a reliable and fast-working internet provider along with the speedy smart machine itself. Otherwise, you might lack resources to operate from home. 

Microsoft and Google are industry leaders, but they are not the only ones. Such applications as Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Google Docs, and Word editor can be used distantly. Students benefit from using these tools to complete homework, communicate with teachers, or study on their own. It is all the question of time when it will be possible to use and share just any app remotely. The developers currently do everything possible to speed up the development of humanity. Who knows how long the quarantine will last?

Perhaps, you are a gaming guru. It is a common hobby for many students. Yes, many streaming games still have certain restrictions that prevent users from obtaining satisfaction from them. However, it is possible to fix those pitfalls with the help of recent cloud tech. Playing locally and playing worldwide provide two different types of experience for gamers. In the closest several years, the biggest companies involved in the gaming industry promise to improve the experience for all types of gamers. Also, more and more industry giants add VR technologies to open a brand new world of opportunities for customers.

Are you interested in joining this area? If you wish to master cloud and computing, you may want to apply for higher education in EIT Digital Master School, University of Portsmouth, or Jönköping University.

Self-driving Vehicles & Drones

You can often see people using self-driving vehicles as their preferred type of transport today. They cost way less than automobiles, and consume far fewer resources. Drones, in their turn, allow shooting cool music videos or keeping an eye on various elements. They are also effective in the field of criminal justice. Students of art classes often use this technology to create videos.

Apple and Tesla are leaders when it comes to self-driving vehicles and smart cars. Google is also known to create drones. Sure, during the tests, many inventions fail, and the manufacturers ban their production. However, a lot of trials become successful, allowing humanity to enjoy new transportation opportunities. 

Some of the world-known food deliveries benefit from using self-driving cars. They cut labor costs due to the unnecessity to hire delivery men. An example of innovation in the process of testing is Amazon’s Prime Air delivery service, which uses autonomous drones. First of all, the company will evaluate client feedback and comments. 

Before launching the service, Amazon will also analyze the data collected. Students with an interest in such innovations should get ready with their statements (or hire a professional essay writer to create application docs for them) and apply for one of the following schools: Cranfield University, EURECOM - Graduate school and Research center in Digital Science, or Kaunas University of Technology.

Blockchain Technologies

Cryptocurrencies may sooner or later replace traditional cash in certain fields. By trading them, it is still possible to make good money, but losing funds is a high risk too. The competition is way higher than it used to be when the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was ever introduced. Along with Ethereum, this one remains the leader. Students who invest in Bitcoin make good money as time goes by.

Blockchain is a complex system, which allows transactions with cryptocurrencies. Encryption and peer-to-peer network are the heart of this technology. To mine successfully and with the minimum of threat, one should realize how the smart algorithms work and which cryptocurrency is safer to trade at a certain point of time. Illegal actions are impossible when it comes to blockchains. Students interested in cybersecurity may want to join one of the following educational institutions:

  • InnoEnergy Master's School;
  • Montpellier Business School;
  • EIT Digital Master School.

That is it! This top-3 list is exactly what you should consider if you want to benefit from the recent technologies and take part in the development of the future. Remember that a BA degree is the final hallmark of undergrad studies and is your way to career path full of opportunities. However, we would recommend you obtaining an MA degree in technologies for higher salaries and perspective growth. 

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