Although social distancing measures around the world begin to ease, as businesses we’re probably still feeling the impacts of the global pandemic that rocked us all. We’re starting to see a sense of normality occurring as businesses begin to open gradually again and more members of the public begin to exit their homes, but many of audiences will still be wary of the impacts of COVID-19. Therefore, business marketing channels still need to adapt to these times considering we don’t have access to the amount of audience that we’re normally used to.
Similarly, not all businesses will operate as they were doing so before. You may still be nervous about how long you can stay open and whether you should switch your marketing channels back on. However, research shows that keeping your marketing strategies on throughout a pandemic can actually have you better off in the long term. So, it’s never too late to revert them back.
You also need to make sure that you utilize the correct marketing strategies to benefit your business during these unusual times. Here are 6 marking strategies that you should consider operating on if you haven’t done already.
Social Media Engagement
People are most likely still isolating in their homes as they fear about more people entering the open and potentially spreading the disease further. As such, they’ll be depending on the content that they can use in their fingertips to make up for the lack of social interaction that they’ve had for months.
This is where as a business, you can be there for your customers and users. They’ll look to you to offer them entertainment but also positive interaction that can get them through these tough times. Use your social platform to spread positivity and interact with your users when you can. Your social media marketing is likely to improve brand awareness and connections with your current customers.
Search Engine Optimization for Your Website
You’ve likely witnessed that online engagement has increased massively over the last few months. People have stayed in their home and are using their mobile devices to keep connected with the outside world as much as possible. In particular, they’ll be using search engines to find services, products or other relative information to find what they’re looking for.
This is where you need to make the most of your search engine optimization strategy. Utilize this time to climb up in the rankings, especially as many businesses would have potentially paused their SEO to save funds. Doing so can increase your awareness and traffic to the site.
PPC Advertising should be Continued
Considering how many people are searching through search engines it also provides a space for PPC to excel. Due to fewer businesses opting to spend their marketing budget during difficult times, it’s an opportunity for other businesses to gain an advantage.
There’s also a chance to save money on your marketing budget as the cost for PPC keywords has dropped on average since the pandemic hit. This means you’ll be getting more for your budget that you might not have previously.
Consider Sale Advertising and Promotion
With businesses struggling to keep afloat currently, it’s likely that many of your customers are struggling to stretch their budget. This means they’ll be more hesitant to part with their money as they look to save funds where they can.
Utilize Local SEO
Travelling has been reduced over the last couple of months as the government aims to avoid spreading the virus to other parts of the country. Therefore, whenever we get the opportunity to leave our house it’s most likely to be in local areas of shops. So, you need to make sure that your local SEO is optimized for local searches.
If you’re a small local business, you’ll want to be targeting customers in your local area who will look to you for their supplies and needs. They’ll be searching online for “near me” type searches. So you want to make sure that you’re as high as possible in the rankings for these.
Adapt Your Business When You Need To
The global pandemic has been a shock for many businesses. They’ve had to close unexpectedly, resulting in them to find alternative ways to adapt to their customer base and still serve them.
Be sure that your marketing strategies match the needs of your customer base. If you haven’t done so already, utilize the marketing channels outlined above and try to avoid cutting back on areas of your business that can actually benefit you in the long term. Any marketing or design agency will urge you to continue to focus your efforts on these types of channels and have you come out the other side better off than you were before.