RadarOpus is a homeopathic software that tends to
aid the students and practitioners who are pursuing the course of Homeopathy.
This application provides the user with one platform for all their needs,
starting from managing the patients of a homeopathy business to the management
of their clinic. The users opt for RadarOpus as it gives access to all the
essential data and functions that are needed by a homeopath. Moreover, this
application provides its users with an exhaustive list of uses that range from
the creation of reports and Repertory to the essential Materia Medica needed
for acing the exams. The application also provides the user with the Patient
file information that represents the entire data on the medical history of a
RadarOpus allows any user to find, take and analyze the Repertory symptoms, and helps them in quick treatment of a patient. With its preloaded database that runs the searched symptoms across many past records, RadarOpus eliminates the time that is needed to get into detailed research. Moreover, users can also save and recall the analysis of their research on this software to retain the first-hand knowledge of their scientific study in the future and save time while indulging in treatment procedures. Users can also print an analysis over this application. The Materia Medica symptoms can be directly inserted to repertory analysis and information about remedies can be gained in an instant without having to do much research, by double-clicking on the remedy.
RadarOpus allows any user to find, take and analyze the Repertory symptoms, and helps them in quick treatment of a patient. With its preloaded database that runs the searched symptoms across many past records, RadarOpus eliminates the time that is needed to get into detailed research. Moreover, users can also save and recall the analysis of their research on this software to retain the first-hand knowledge of their scientific study in the future and save time while indulging in treatment procedures. Users can also print an analysis over this application. The Materia Medica symptoms can be directly inserted to repertory analysis and information about remedies can be gained in an instant without having to do much research, by double-clicking on the remedy.
End-uses of RadarOpus
RadarOpus supports over more than 1600 Materia
Medica in its vast library that includes writings from Vermeulen, Master, Van
Woensel, Vithoulkas, Scholten, Joshi, Araujo, Julian, amongst an exhaustive
list of names, which are considered as some of the best Homeopathic Journals of
the past century. Moreover, the software has more than 80 reporteries including its very unique Synthesis Repertory by Dr. F. Schroyens, and
other great Repertories by Boenninghausen, Sherr, Murphy, Pennekamp,
Dimitriadis, Rathmer and more. With the beautiful themes
and the user-adaptive interface of this application, searching for remedies is
just a click away to the users. Users can easily search for a remedy in
References, Wikipedia, Repertories, and Google images by simply right-clicking
on the remedy of their desired types.
Security of Radorpos
RadarOpus comes with GDPR and HIPAA level 2
privacy firewall protection. The provided security levels that are used over
this software are seen as a mandatory regulation that is enforced in Europe and
the USA. For any practitioner who wants to record confidential details on the
symptoms or name of their patients, or any such related information from their
patient (such as the name of a dog if the practitioner is a VET), the rules
that are set by the software serves as an essential in order to correctly
protect and safe-keep the patient’s data. The enhanced level 2 security
prevents any form of possible tampering with the data as the application also
offers implemented security measures for its users (like password protection
and backup encryption) to help in complete protection.
Synthesis app over RadarOpus
RadarOpus easily integrates with the Synthesis
app, a software that is used widely for its Homeopathic Repertory. The mobile
app has its base built over the Synthesis Repertory edition 2009 which was
published by Dr. Frederik Schroyens and is considered as a renowned book for
homeopathic reference worldwide. The application also allows users to include
explicit source information that can be easily accessed within their
fingertips, at the time of preparing reports for the patients. Moreover,
RadarOpus not only helps its users with precise bibliographical references of
their searches, but also helps them in finding the exact and actual text on
which the Synthesis addition has been based. This application serves as the
benchmark and important tool to guarantee the quality of the additions that are
made to the repertoire by enabling transparency, and by linking the Synthesis
and any Materia Medica in more than one manner.
Clificol is an exclusive application that enables
all the research that is held on this platform to be saved and viewed over
Cloud. The software allows the users to set up their own Homeopathic research
along with their other important research processes, without creating many
hindrances to their work. RadarOpus sorts the desired searches and results by
the practitioners and students into groups and enables easy comparison that is
written with any desired user, in real-time. Moreover, this software allows the
users to set their own private protocols where they can easily upload cases and
findings of their own over a free website. This increases the efficiency of
their research work and the latest developments around the ongoing cases, so
that the cases can be submitted without using WinCHIP RadarOpus. Moreover, over
the provided website, users can also look for researching cases with a simple
search of a certain remedy or pathology.
For the increased efficiency of the users
worldwide, RadarOpus is available in a total of 12 available languages, namely
Deutsch, Rusça, Français, Español, Chinese, Italiano, Nederlands, Português,
Romanesque, Türkçe, English, and Bulgarian. The software aims to eliminate the
barriers of communication and makes them available for enhanced studies and
ease of findings throughout the globe. Additionally, users can also search in
consultations about the written thesis and findings of other users over one
powerful platform. The pathologies and prescriptions for an end number of
patients can also be found in multiple languages to help the users in finding
the perfect remedy to their patient’s disease.
Why do students and practitioners use RadarOpus?
The Clificol feature of RadarOpus allows the
users to download any given case in the PDF format for allowing them to have
access to the same in real-time. The teachers and senior lecturers who use this
application can also download a case as a PDF. They can even hide the provided
remedies that are suggested within the software, thus helping them to easily
take exams and tests of their students. With the vast repertoire and
documentary works present in the software, it becomes easy for doctors to
diagnose and patients to know about their disease and its associated symptoms.