4 Reasons to Use Technology in Higher Education [with Real Examples]

As civilizations evolve and change, the education system must keep up. Although some schools have been successful in integrating technology in the classrooms, others still need some persuasion.

The use of technology in the education process has obvious benefits. In this article, we will explore those and give you some examples as to why technology needs to be promoted in modern schools.

Implementation of technology in higher education is a step that needs to be taken to make students more prepared for the future.

With more and more people struggling with employment and other issues, schools must take measures to prepare graduates to adulthood. 

Virtual Reality

Laptops, virtual reality, electronic whiteboards, and projectors might seem like a distraction to an older teacher. Yet, these tools can really facilitate learning.

Making sure that students and teachers speak the same language is important to enhance learning and engage everyone.

Google Cardboard is arguably the most affordable way to send students on a field trip without having to leave the classroom.

It is essential to prepare learners for adult life. Virtual reality can be implemented in nearly all classes, and the variety of usage is wide.

From an interactive history map to modeling a toxic chemical reaction, VR is a versatile tool that deserves more recognition.

One of the main problems of the current education system is the lack of practice. The teachers are hesitant to give students practical situations in classes like chemistry for safety reasons.

VR can help students learn in practice without the risk of hurting themselves or each other. Everything, from construction work to a surgery, can be simulated in virtual reality.

Mobile Learning

For institutions that cannot afford to supply every student with a VR headset, mobile learning can be the answer. Everybody has a smartphone, and it is an easy way to share educative materials in class.

With all the resources available at our fingertips, students still tend to struggle with timing, and this is when sites like EssayPro come in handy. The ability to order a paper of any difficulty and with any deadline is the peak of technology advancement.

Platforms like Google Classroom make education especially easy. It allows teachers to share assignments, reading materials, and links and gather feedback, all for free.

M-learning is ubiquitous, which means that students do not need to be in the classroom to learn. They do need to have a reliable connection, which they can get with the help of a signal booster. Education via a mobile device can help physically impaired students to keep up with the rest of the class and avoid extracurriculars.

Apart from being included in the curriculum, education-related mobile apps can also be used as a helping hand in self-education as well as in education planning.

Applications like iStudiez, StudyBlue, and GoConqr can help students arrange their assignments, share reading materials and, who knows, maybe even remember professors’ names.

Electronic Books

The main purpose of education as we know it is the retention of knowledge. Knowledge is contained in books, and we need a teacher to explain it to us. But books are heavy and easy to damage. EBooks have the power to substitute the unsustainable, outdated reading materials.

Four billion trees are used for paper each year. Switching to an e-book is a healthy step that all schools should be taking for a sustainable future.


Electronic whiteboards offer a mass of benefits to a modern education space. They are interactive and do not require much maintenance.

The students who learn verbally can listen to the teacher, while the ones with a more visual mind can look at the board to comprehend the material. It is a touch screen, meaning that multiple students can collaborate to solve a problem together.

Teachers can structure lessons with more ease using an interactive whiteboard. They can develop a plan, put it on a board, and have the students see it.

This way, they will be more engaged in the process and see the whole picture instead of bits of information. Besides, teachers can save lessons for later playback or continue next time from the same spot.

Apart from the convenience that the boards bring to class, they are also cheaper for schools in the long run. They do not require chalks; they don’t need to be washed or painted. The only requirement is an Internet and power connection.

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Final Words

Educators have a lot of work, and integrating technology in classrooms might seem only to be adding up to it. However, tech-savvy choices can not only improve the students’ experience.

They can also connect learners with the teachers and ease the educators' workload in the long run.

Technology takes a significant part of our daily lives and routines, and adding it to school curricula is a step needed to prepare students for the future.

The more life lessons they learn in school, the less likely they will be to fail in the future.

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