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Starting Your Podcast? Ensure To Do These 8 Things Before You Begin The Journey

Podcasts are in huge demand these days. They help you get your ideas across to the world and take just a few minutes to make. Most podcast shows capture the audience's attention and talk about topics that are trending. 

Maybe you want to launch a podcast based on your interests or for fun. There's no denying that it's a great content marketing strategy

Entrepreneurs and business owners use podcast shows to launch brands and build a social media following. There are many Instagram influencers who are getting on the podcast wagon and making money from them. 

You can monetize your content later and actually get rewarded by your audience. If you're thinking of starting a podcast, then this post is just for you. 

Discover Your Passion

Pick a topic off the top of your head. Now talk about it for 20 minutes with someone. Can you do it without a script or naturally?

Congratulations! You just discovered what you're passionate about! Your podcast show will revolve around you talking about different topics. However, if you're not passionate about them, you'll have a tough time keeping up. 

Keep learning all the time and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Collect new ideas to talk about that revolve around what you like. It'll make creating upcoming episodes so much easier.

Invest in A Good Microphone

A high-quality microphone can really do wonders when it comes to putting out quality content. Whether you're doing a video or audio podcast, if the sound quality is poor, people won't tune in. Try to block out noise from the background and invest in acoustic studio panels if you must.

If you're making a podcast outdoor, you'd want to use windshield blockers for your AV equipment. These block out the wind noise and help you sound better. The cheaper your equipment, the more you'll have to compromise on the sound quality. 

However, if you can invest a bit of money into your recording equipment, try to buy a cardioid condenser since it offers amazing sound clarity. You don't have to worry about lighting if you're doing audio-only podcasts, but that'll include extra expenses if you get into that segment after some time.

Do Both Video and Audio

Podcasts come in two styles - video and audio. Audio podcasts are perfect for those who don't want to download bulky video files. However, video podcasts are more personal and have a human element to them. 

If you're doing video podcasts, try getting someone on your show and talk to them. Make it interactive and discuss topics that are trending. The Joe Rogan Podcast is a fantastic example of this, and so is ObesetoBeast. It's pretty interesting what you can do when you combine both audio and video. 

Plan Your Content

Break up your show into different episodes and segments. Do guest interviews and invite people to your podcast. 

Don't reveal everything in one episode and keep the good ideas for later. This will help your audience look forward to upcoming releases. Also using podcast hosting services or podcast platforms can also help to plan content and organize it for the future. Podcast hosts allow you to save your audio files for later broadcasting as podcast episodes. When choosing a podcast recording service it is important to choose a reputable one. 

When it comes to breaking down your topic, write down a list of the first 100 ideas you'll cover in your show. Plan out what you'll talk about and write a script if needed. It lets you stay on track and not pause too much.

Build an Official Website

Having a website for your podcast will help you stand out. If you're trying to be a key influencer in a niche, it's a good business strategy. Install sophisticated WordPress themes, or hire a web designer to help you out.

Your website should have a few key elements - your contact and business details, links to your podcasts, and snippets or highlights of your previous episodes. 

You can link your blog to your website and expand on your content. If there are viewers who enjoy reading and listening, you can give them more content. You can make movie trailers about your podcast and embed them on your website to get more views.

Come up with a Clever Name

Your podcast will need a name. If you've got a clever and memorable name, you're likely to get noticed. When you're doing research on your topic, pick a name for your show that aligns with it. 

For example, Simnett Nutrition is about Derek making plant-based nutrition videos on YouTube. You can use your real name, but if you'd like to maintain anonymity, you can use something else.

Add an Intro, Teaser, and Welcome Ad

An intro for your podcast is a must. It eases first-time listeners into your show and warms them up. You can add a slight teaser after the intro so that they know what you'll be covering. 

A welcome ad would be a word from your sponsors (if you have any). Getting sponsors on board your podcast is a great way to get noticed. You can throw in promo codes and offers so that your listeners can get a bonus out of it.

Add an eye-catching invitation for your upcoming shows on your social media platforms. You can notify your viewers when you're going live so that they can tune in. Podcasts that involve live streaming will help you.

Make The Artwork Beautiful

If you're planning to host your show on iTunes and Apple, you have to make sure your artwork looks amazing. Your podcast is your brand, and artwork will represent it. People aren't going to click on it if the art doesn't appeal to them.

It's a good move to hire a graphic designer at this stage if you have zero design experience. With good art, a nice list of episodes, and an interesting personality, you will go a long way. 

UpWork and Fiverr are great platforms for hiring graphic artists and artists to do your artwork. If you're on a budget, you can try them out. Don't neglect your podcast logo design, either.


Podcasts are a popular format because it's content people can listen to. Not everybody has the time to watch videos, but listening on the go is completely doable. This is what makes them a crowd favorite. 

There is plenty of podcast shows coming out these days. If you want to start a podcast to add to your content strategy, it's a fantastic and viable option. 

There are many podcast hosting apps online that help you host your show for free. Just focus on putting out quality content, focus on what your audience wants to listen to, and you will do well. 

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