When you create a resume and send it out, it is similar to advertising and when it comes to advertising you put in quite a lot of thought in what kind of advertising campaign you want to choose which also depends on the kind of medium you want to use and the kind of product you are selling.
Resumes are quite the same, you are advertising yourself and in today’s world in addition to the traditional resumes you can also attach a video resume or an audio resume to them and they serve as a value addition and can give you an edge over the other candidates. But before we dive into what a video resume is, let us understand the different kinds of resumes that are there.
Types Of Resumes -
There are mainly four types of resumes that people use.
Chronological Resumes
This format is probably the most widely used, you basically list your employment history in a chronological order starting with your very first job and ending with the latest one. This is also one of the most preferred formats as it helps your employers get a better understanding of your work history.
So if you have a long and a good history of working at different companies then you should opt for this format.
Functional Resume
This format of resume tends to concentrate more on your skillset and the type of experience you have rather than your work history. The work history in this format is secondary and it is mentioned after the mention of your skills.
This format is best for a recent college graduate with skills and less work history.
Combination Resume
This format of resume lets you highlight your employment history and your skill/work experience. This format lets you get flexible with your resume, that means you can adjust the order of the above mentioned factors according to the employer.
This works best if you want to show your potential employers how you can be the best choice.
Targeted Resume
This format of resume is tailored according to the employer. You mix and match the above mentioned formats to get the best results. Though these kinds of resumes are time consuming but they help you generate the best results.
This can be used by anyone. But one important point to remember when making a targeted resume is that all the points you mention should be accurate and it should look neat, just because you have the option of tailoring your resume you should not make things look out of place.
Video Resumes
Now that we covered the main types of resumes that people use, lets us understand what a video resume is.
You can think of it as a video advertisement of yourself, do not think it replaces the traditional resume. It does not, it only acts as value addition.

Before you use a video resume, you should be sure that you will benefit from it.
That is an important point that you shouldn’t forget because a video resume does not work for everyone and not every employer wants to spend time reviewing a video resume.
You may ask why?
Well, think of it if you’re an accountant at a finance firm there is no way you can benefit from a video resume because there is nothing that you can include in a video resume that will be interesting.
But on the other hand, if you’re a marketing professional it maybe beneficial to you, you can show your talking skills and you can also highlight how well you can close deals with prospective clients, if you’re a performer/actor/musician then a video resume is definitely the best option you can use.
What Should You Keep In Mind When You’re Making A Video Resume -
Creating a video resume is a tricky business, if done right it will give you a definite edge over the other candidates, if not then it can be an embarrassment as well so make sure you do everything right when you’re creating a video resume.
Video resume builds credibility and helps candidates convey their skills and experience quickly over videos. Video resumes are best done using a Screen recorder like Vmaker. Vmaker lets you record screen and webcam at 4K resolution and not just that, users can also add frames and filters to the webcam overlay to make your video resume even more engaging.
Don’t let the duration of your video resume exceed more than two and a half minutes. You can exceed that time limit by another 30 seconds, but do that only if you have something interesting to offer or else it may bore your potential employers.
When you’re talking in the video be sure to use professional language, avoid slangs and make sure the audio is clear. To ensure that, run a mic test before you start recording.
Follow the below mentioned format to help you talk clearly
- Introduce yourself
- Briefly talk about your work experience
- Highlight your skills
- Talk about the high points in your career till now
- End the video on a good note
Write a small script down but do not read off from it, talk freely and naturally. This will help you maintain a certain level of authenticity in your video, if you read off, it may seem very practiced and robotic, you do not want that. Talk at a pace which is not too fast nor too slow.
Get creative with how you shoot the video, if you want, seek the help of a professional. You can make your video look even better.
Lastly make sure you dress as if you’re going for an interview, everything about your video resume needs to be perfect if you want to get selected.