Responsive Web Designs - Why Responsiveness is Not a Choice?

With the internet becoming a prime selling channel, having a website is essential to the growth of your brand. A business website should ideally have an awesome look and feel along with the right sets of features and functionalities that promise excellent user experiences. Apart from these attributes, there are some unspoken rules for web design, responsiveness being the most important one. 

Responsive web design is one that adapts seamlessly with the screen it is being accessed on, regardless of the device being used. Simply speaking, it should look the same whether the user loads it on the computer, smartphone, or tablet. Here are some good reasons why responsiveness in web design is not a choice for brands. 

Improved User Experience

The most obvious benefit of responsive design is the assurance of a seamless user experience regardless of the device being used by the audience. UX is something you cannot compromise with because a flawed one will make the visitors bounce back without converting and they may probably never be back again. Considering that a major proportion of users rely on mobile devices to access websites these days, you need to be extra conscious about how it appears on smaller screens. If it fails to load properly or takes too long, it wouldn’t make a great impression on the potential buyers who expect a lot as designs get better and more innovative.


This one is a no-brainer as you can make considerable savings by investing in one responsive site rather than multiple sites for diverse devices. You can easily find a website builder that lets you create a responsive design from scratch. Besides saving time, effort, and development costs, you also end up cutting the expense of maintaining separate sites for mobile and web audiences. A single design will work for the entire customer base and the range of devices they use. 


Web design is not a one-time task as you may need to tweak it from time to time, whether to stay on track with trends or align with the changes in your offering or branding strategy. With a responsive design, you have the advantage of flexibility when it comes to making changes easily and quickly. There wouldn’t be a need to implement them on different versions, rather the change implemented in one place will reflect everywhere. So that’s a lot of time and effort saved!

SEO Advantage

Another reason why you must invest in responsiveness is that it supports your search engine optimization initiatives. When it comes to securing top rankings in web searches, you need to go the extra mile with the user experience of the site. For this reason, Google prioritizes responsive websites, so this is one factor that can go a long way in getting you to the top. A higher ranking gets you greater visibility, which translates into high traffic volume and more trust for your brand.

Responsiveness, therefore, becomes as important as the aesthetics and functionality of your website. It isn’t something you should compromise with, rather you should have it on top of your design checklist right from the start.

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