Digital workspaces are opening new doors to companies. This technologically-enhanced upgrade can completely change the way you do your business and how you collaborate with your team. You can help your team to be more productive and gain a competitive advantage by using the right digital tools.
If you’re not sure what a digital workspace is or how to use it, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know to create a digital workspace that will boost your team’s productivity.
Let’s take a closer look together.
● What is Digital Workspace?
A digital workspace consists of all the technologies you use to perform any type of task within your organization. This includes everything from emailing to HR applications.
The emergence of digital workspace came as no surprise since it is a part of digital evolution which affected every area of our lives.
This is what Hocine Akir, the Head of Human Resources at Fondasol has to say about the introduction of digital technology into the workspace:
"The introduction of tablets eliminated the task of continually re-entering data. As a result, we estimate a savings of four to five hours a week for a technician and four to five days per month for a secretary. We’ve reallocated that time to higher value-added activities, like sales."

He gives just one example of many on how digital workspace can change your team’s productivity and improve their work habits.
Now let’s dig a bit deeper and see what other segments of a digital workspace will make your team more productive and successful.
● Working Remotely
One of the major benefits of creating a digital workspace is allowing your team members to work remotely. That means they’re able to create their own:
- workspace
- work environment
- work atmosphere
A digital workspace includes cloud-based technologies that enable you and your team to work from anywhere in the world. Consequently, no one is bound to work from one specific place.
Your team members can finally work from home or their favorite coffee shop.
This flexibility can help them choose the best place for work and maximize their productivity.
● Enhancing Communication
Digital communication tools are one of the strongest assets of the digital workspace. Giving your team a possibility to promptly share ideas, thoughts, and ask for help when needed, will completely change their work ethic.
According to the Harvard Business Review, companies with effective online social networks were 7% more productive than those without.
Team collaboration and communication tools allow employees to easily connect at any time. Some of the best communication tools for productive teams are:
Create a digital space supported by these tools and make sure your team members stay connected at all times.
● Recognize Improvement Opportunities
Another great thing about digital workspaces is the ability to recognize true improvement opportunities.
The right analytics tools can help you recognize:
- weak points
- risks
- improvement opportunities
This is why your digital workspace needs to employ the tools that analyze, track, and measure the success of each sector. They’ll tell you where to invest and where to push your team to work even harder.
With clearly defined tasks and goals set high, your team will be much more motivated and productive.
Consider Forbes's 18 best analytics tools every business manager should know when analyzing data.
● Increasing Employee Engagement
Research by Gallup found that companies that have highly engaged employees had 21% increased productivity levels, 22% increased profitability, and 10% higher customer rates when compared to those companies which don't engage their employees.

The research showed that employee’s productivity is closely related to their level of engagement. Digital workspace will give you a chance to work on that aspect of your business.
Social media outlets such as Yammer can help you carry out private communication within the company and increase employee engagement. You can use it for:
- conducting polls
- creating surveys
- collecting feedback
Ask your employees for their opinion and find out what they think, need, and want.
Then, use the collected data to create even better work conditions and maximally enhance their productivity.
● Enabling Access to Information
To boost everyone’s productivity, you should work on creating better work conditions. That means you should make it easier for your team to work, function, and accomplish their tasks.
Consider using cloud-based solutions like:
Your team members can access important documents whenever they want.
Storing data, files, content, and information in the digital workspace gives all employees a chance to use it whenever they need it.
There will be no more stories when some of them didn’t prepare a report because they were missing some files.
When you make it all easily accessible, they will have instant availability of information at any time.
● Providing Support
Finally, a digital workspace can only function if everyone on your team feels motivated and safe. This is why it's important that you provide support and give everyone a chance to speak their mind.
To show your team members you’re always there for them, you have to:
- allow them to speak openly
- hold regular morning conference calls
- provide positive and negative feedback that is constructive
- listen and act upon their ideas
- write reports
Conference calls, regular emails, and collaboration tools will help you create a sense of mutual trust in your digital workspace. In case you need help with writing email copies or reports, check out custom academic writing services online.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, a digital workspace will improve different aspects of your team’s work experience and will give them a reason to invest all their efforts into performing better on the job. As a result, you’ll see a boost in your team’s productivity.
Use the tips provided above to create a better digital workspace for your team and ensure they work in their full capacity every day.
Author’s Bio:
Daniela McVicker is a passionate digital marketer. Daniela is interested in everything related to SEO and blogging. She collaborates with Essayguard and other websites where she shares her experience and helps marketers make their names in the online world.